CARWIZ Greece: The best franchisee in the CARWIZ network!

CARWIZ Greece was recognized as the top franchisee at the Wizy Awards 2024!
CARWIZ Greece: The best franchisee in the CARWIZ network!

CARWIZ Greece was recognized with two awards, the Best L Franchise and the Grand Prix, attesting to the viability of a business strategy that encourages leadership and innovation.

It is worth noting that these awards establish CARWIZ Greece as the leading member of the franchise and mark a significant turning point in the company’s contribution to the car rental sector.

Mr. Antonis Gelasakis, CEO of CARWIZ Greece, who attended the award ceremony, states: "This distinction underlines our ongoing efforts to provide superior services to our customers and reflects our overall philosophy as a company. These awards go to every CARWIZ Greece member who has worked tirelessly to achieve this goal."

Also present at the award ceremony were distinguished colleagues from CARWIZ Greece, Mrs. Kyriaki Bolieraki, Finance and Audit Manager, and Mr. Antonis Zotos, Pricing & Commercial Manager.

More than 100 delegates from the 57 countries, where the franchises of the Croatian car rental company operate, attended the WizTalk, in Zagreb, Croatia, where they had the opportunity to network, share ideas, and explore the possibility of future partnerships.

Carwiz Awards 2024

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